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Turkish Cypriots Exist

Stop Discrimination of Turkish Cypriots

The TCE movement was born out of urgent need and historical suffering, including acts of ethnic cleansing and genocide lasting 11 years at the hands of Greek Cypriots. Countless UN peace proposals have been rejected by Greek Cypriots, subjecting us to ongoing trade embargoes, travel restrictions, and global isolation. Our historical victimization and these blatant injustices make our silence no longer an option. Join TCE and be part of the movement that topples these barriers and elevates the Turkish Cypriot community to its rightful sovereign equality and equal international status. Decades of false narrative driven by Greek Cypriot propaganda continue to segregate Turkish Cypriots from the international community, depriving basic human rights, forced economic isolation, preventing expression of our identity & heritage.


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Latest TCE News

Turkish Peace Operation an Invasion or an Intervention?
Turkish Peace Operation an Invasion or an Intervention?

Türkiye legally executed a crucial intervention, anchored in the Treaty of Guarantee.

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The Destructive Legacy of Enosis and EOKA
The Destructive Legacy of Enosis and EOKA

The ideologies of Enosis and EOKA have left deep scars throughout all of Cyprus.

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Historical Overview of UN Talks and Greek Cypriot Rejections
Historical Overview of UN Talks and Greek Cypriot Rejections

UN efforts, to any solution remain impossible due to rejection by the Greek Cypriot side.

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Federalism is dead - We need a Two-State Solution in Cyprus
Federalism is dead - We need a Two-State Solution in Cyprus

The repeated failures of federation-based solutions necessitate a radical rethink.

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The Infeasibility of Coexistence between Greeks and Turks
The Infeasibility of Coexistence between Greeks and Turks

The enduring presence of nationalist ideologies, parties like AKEL and ELAM

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Expanding International Recognition of the TRNC
Expanding International Recognition of the TRNC

The recent attainment of observer status within the Organization of Turkic States.

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Turkish CypriotsExistDeserve FreedomWill Not Be Silenced...