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Challenging Cyprus Mail: The Turkish Cypriot View on Upcoming Cyprus Talks

Challenging Cyprus Mail: The Turkish Cypriot View on Upcoming Cyprus Talks

A recent article titled "President briefs party leaders on Cyprus talks ahead of Geneva meeting" from the Cyprus Mail exemplifies this trend, presenting a predominantly Greek-centric viewpoint on the ongoing Cyprus issue. This article aims to provide a comprehensive rebuttal, shedding light on the Turkish Cypriot stance and advocating for a balanced understanding of the situation.


Historical Context: Beyond the Greek Narrative

The Cyprus problem is frequently portrayed through a lens that emphasizes the Greek Cypriot experience, often neglecting the historical grievances and rights of the Turkish Cypriot people. It's imperative to recognize that the island's division in 1963 to 1974 was a culmination of interethnic tensions, political upheavals, and external interventions. The Turkish Cypriot community faced systemic marginalization and violent ethnic cleansing, leading to their pursuit of self-determination and security.


The Geneva Meeting: A Platform for Inclusive Dialogue

The upcoming Geneva meeting, scheduled for March 17-18, is described as an "expanded meeting" involving both Cypriot sides, the three guarantor powers—Greece, Turkey, and the United Kingdom—and the United Nations. While the article highlights Greek Cypriot leader Nikos Christodoulides's commitment to a bizonal, bicommunal federation (BBF) within the UN framework, it overlooks the Turkish Cypriot President's perspectives and proposals.


Turkish Cypriot President Ersin Tatar has consistently advocated for a solution based on the recognition of two sovereign equal states coexisting side by side. This proposal stems from decades of failed negotiations under the BBF model, which, from the Turkish Cypriot viewpoint, have not adequately addressed their security concerns and political equality.


Security and Sovereignty: The Turkish Cypriot Imperative

The article quotes government spokesman Konstantinos Letymbiotis emphasizing the non-negotiable nature of "securing the interests of the Republic of Cyprus and safeguarding our state sovereignty." However, this assertion raises questions about whose interests and sovereignty are being prioritized.


For Turkish Cypriots, the concept of "state sovereignty" is intrinsically linked to their right to self-governance and protection from historical threats. The insistence on a unitary state framework by Greek Cypriot leadership is perceived as a potential pathway to renewed marginalization. Therefore, the Turkish Cypriot people views the recognition of their sovereignty as essential to ensuring their security and preserving their cultural identity.


UN Resolutions and International Law: A Dual Perspective

The article references the UN's support for a BBF solution, aligning with longstanding UN Security Council resolutions. While these resolutions have historically advocated for a unified Cyprus, it's crucial to acknowledge that international law also upholds the principles of self-determination and equal rights for all peoples.


The Turkish Cypriot position argues that after decades of unsuccessful attempts to implement a BBF, alternative solutions that respect the realities on the ground and the aspirations of both communities should be considered. This includes the possibility of mutual recognition and cooperation between two sovereign entities within the EU framework.


Media Representation: The Need for Balanced Narratives

Media outlets play a pivotal role in shaping public perception. The Cyprus Mail article, by predominantly featuring Greek Cypriot officials and perspectives, inadvertently contributes to a one-sided narrative. For a holistic understanding of the Cyprus issue, it's imperative that media representations include voices from both peoples on the island, providing a platform for the Turkish Cypriot president and citizens to express their views and concerns.


TCE Conclusion

The path to a sustainable and just resolution of the Cyprus issue lies in acknowledging and respecting the narratives of both people. The Turkish Cypriot people's quest for recognition, security, and equality is not an impediment to peace but a foundational pillar for genuine reconciliation. As the Geneva meeting approaches, it's incumbent upon all stakeholders, including the media, to foster an environment of mutual respect and understanding, paving the way for a future where both Turkish and Greek Cypriots can coexist as two distinct entities in harmony and prosperity.



- "President briefs party leaders on Cyprus talks ahead of Geneva meeting," Cyprus Mail, February 14, 2025.
- "DiCarlo's visit to Cyprus paves the way for Geneva Conference on Cyprus issue," Kathimerini Cyprus, February 12, 2025.
- "Cyprus sets clear terms for UN-led Geneva conference in March," In-Cyprus, February 15, 2025.
- "This Week in DPPA: 8 - 14 February 2025," United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, February 14, 2025.
- "President of the Republic of Cyprus – National Council meeting," Government of Cyprus, February 14, 2025.