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Calling all Turkish Cypriots! Make use of our global digital platform to become vocal activists who obliterate decades of biased narratives.Your voice can be the force that changes history. Act now, be the change!


Step Up and Be Activie!

Don't just engage—lead! Move from the outside into the centre of change where your dynamic abilities can truly energise the TCE movement. We're not just asking for helpers; we're scouting for frontline activists to be the vocal force that shatters Greek Cypriot propaganda.

Why raise your voice?

Activism is not a whisper; it's a shout that is felt across borders, challenging disinformation and advocating for Turkish Cypriot rights. Don't just enhance your life; alter the course of history. Your active involvement isn't just beneficial for TCE—it's empowering for you, filling you with a sense of purpose and achievement.

Use your skills and create change...

Through our cutting-edge digital platform, we offer an arsenal of activism tools. Whether you're a gifted writer, a digital media expert, or a public-speaking powerhouse, here at TCE there's an avenue for your activism. From virtual campaigns to street rallies, your role is only limited by your energy commitment and creativity towards the Turkish Cypriot cause.

Unleash your inner activist!

Prepare for an exciting journey filled with impactful initiatives and meaningful interactions. Network with like-minded Turkish Cypriots, spearhead groundbreaking campaigns, and watch your energy turn into a tidal wave of change. This is more than involvement; it's a call to be ‘the voice’ in the TCE movement.

So, why hold back? No matter your age or skillset, your voice and energy are the catalysts we need to challenge those false Greek narratives. Step up, take charge, and become the change that turns the tide for the Turkish Cypriot cause. The time for activism is now!

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Back campaigns

Your voice amplifies ours—back our campaigns now!

Become an activist
Become an activist

Become an activist; transform our fight today!

Become a volunteer
Become a volunteer

Volunteer today, be the change we need today!

Work with us
Work with us

Join us; your work empowers our mission!

Seize this moment! TCE empowers you to volunteer to help us challenge years of falsehoods against Turkish Cypriots. From social media activism to hands-on involvement, your role is so-so important to us. Sign up, explore our private Members Area for secure, worldwide teamwork. Act now and be part of rewriting Turkish Cypriot history.

Turkish CypriotsExistDeserve FreedomWill Not Be Silenced...