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A step closer to recognition at Shusha summit.

A step closer to recognition at Shusha summit.

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) has long sought international recognition and greater political legitimacy on the global stage.

Recent developments at the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) summit in Shusha, Azerbaijan, mark a pivotal moment in this ongoing struggle. The participation of TRNC President Ersin Tatar at this significant summit and his meeting with Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev highlight a strategic shift that could lead to wider recognition and support for the TRNC.

Strategic Importance of the OTS Summit

The OTS summit in Shusha holds immense strategic significance for the TRNC. The Organization of Turkic States, comprising member states such as Türkiye, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan, serves as a vital platform for promoting political, economic, and cultural cooperation among Turkic-speaking nations. The inclusion of the TRNC in such a forum not only amplifies its political voice but also signals a growing acceptance of its statehood within the Turkic world.

Aygun Attar, a member of Türkiye’s Presidential Security and Foreign Policy Council, emphasized the importance of President Tatar's attendance at the summit. This participation symbolizes a united front among Turkic states and showcases their collective support for the TRNC. Attar highlighted that the summit could be a significant step towards the eventual recognition of Northern Cyprus, a goal that has long been pursued by the TRNC and its supporters.

Azerbaijan's Role in TRNC's Recognition

Azerbaijan's role in the potential recognition of the TRNC cannot be overstated. The recent meeting between President Ilham Aliyev and President Ersin Tatar in Shusha underscores the strengthening bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and the TRNC. President Aliyev's warm reception of President Tatar and the discussions held during their meeting reflect Azerbaijan's willingness to support the TRNC's quest for recognition.

This diplomatic engagement is particularly noteworthy given Azerbaijan's own geopolitical challenges and its strategic alliance with Türkiye. Azerbaijan's support for the TRNC could pave the way for other Turkic states to follow suit, creating a domino effect that enhances the TRNC's international standing. The Shusha meeting sends a powerful message to the international community about the solidarity among Turkic nations and their commitment to supporting each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Türkiye's Pivotal Role

Türkiye has always been a staunch supporter of the TRNC, advocating for its recognition and providing economic, political, and military support. The OTS summit further solidifies Türkiye's role as a key ally of the TRNC. By facilitating President Tatar's participation in the summit and leveraging its influence within the OTS, Türkiye is actively working to elevate the TRNC's international profile.

Türkiye’s efforts to normalize relations with Armenia also play a crucial role in this context. As Türkiye seeks to resolve long-standing regional conflicts and foster a more stable geopolitical environment, the recognition of the TRNC becomes a part of a broader strategy to assert its influence and promote peace in the region. This multifaceted approach underscores Türkiye's commitment to a comprehensive and balanced foreign policy that includes steadfast support for the TRNC.

Broader Implications for Regional Politics

The developments at the OTS summit have broader implications for regional politics. The potential recognition of the TRNC by Turkic states could shift the balance of power in the Eastern Mediterranean and the broader region. It would challenge the status quo and prompt other nations to reconsider their positions on the Cyprus issue.

Furthermore, the increased visibility and support for the TRNC could lead to greater economic opportunities and development. Enhanced diplomatic relations and potential recognition could attract investment and bolster the TRNC's economy, leading to improved living standards for its citizens.

TCE Conclusion

The OTS summit in Shusha represents a significant milestone in the TRNC's journey towards international recognition. The active participation of President Ersin Tatar, the strong support from Türkiye, and the crucial backing of Azerbaijan all contribute to a growing momentum that could lead to wider recognition of the TRNC. As the Turkic states unite in their support, the TRNC stands on the brink of a new era of diplomatic and economic opportunities, bringing hope and optimism to its people.