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Cyprus: A Geostrategic Military Hub or a Powder Keg Waiting to Ignite?

Cyprus, often referred to as the "natural aircraft carrier" of the Eastern Mediterranean, is quickly becoming a focal point for military alliances and geopolitical maneuvers. Recent developments indicate a growing defense collaboration between Israel, the United States, and the Greek Cypriot administration.

A Response to Cyprus Mail of Misleading Accusations about Türkiye

The recent article by the Cyprus Mail, titled "Cyprus Reports Turkey to UN for Over 2,000 Violations", represents another attempt by the Greek Cypriot administration to distort facts and promote a misleading narrative about the situation in Cyprus.

Time for Justice: The UK's Duty to Recognize the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

In a recent, impassioned plea, the President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), Ersin Tatar, called upon the United Kingdom to “review its policy and treatment of Turkish Cypriots.” This call should not only resonate but also prompt immediate action from the British government.

U.S.-Greek Cypriot Defense Pact: A Threat to Peace in the Eastern Mediterranean

The recent U.S.-Greek Cypriot defense pact has ignited tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean, with Türkiye and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) warning of significant consequences.