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Netflix's Famagusta: A Call to Boycott

The Cyprus Mail’s recent announcement of the TV series Famagusta set to appear on Netflix raises significant concerns. Directed by Greek Cypriot filmmaker Panos Koutras, the series seems rooted in the Greek Cypriot narrative and appears to be yet another attempt to rewrite history by ignoring the complexities and tragedies of Cyprus's past.

Greeks claim 4 in 5 Turkish Cypriots Using Larnaca or Paphos

The recent article published by Cyprus Mail titled "Four in Five UK Turkish Cypriots Choosing Larnaca or Paphos Airport" is a clear attempt to downplay the thriving tourism industry in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). The article is filled with misleading statistics and negative propaganda, which require a detailed reply to set the record straight.

Greek Cypriot Hypocrisy: The Real Root of the Property Dispute

The ongoing property dispute between the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and the Greek Cypriot administration has intensified recently due to a series of targeted arrests by Greek Cypriot authorities.

Şener Elçin’s Misleading Accusations Against Türkiye’s Presence in Cyprus

Şener Elçin, a Turkish Cypriot trade unionist and vocal opponent of Türkiye’s presence in Cyprus, recently made inflammatory claims regarding the alleged "disappearance" of Turkish Cypriots through population transfers.