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Latest TCE News

Celebrating the Heroic Legacy of the Erenköy Direnişi

August 8th marks a significant and solemn occasion in the history of the Turkish Cypriot people—the anniversary of the Erenköy Direnişi (Erenköy Resistance).

Turkish Cypriot singer Işın Karaca causes Uproar in Greece

The recent uproar in Greece over a song performed by Turkish Cypriot singer Işın Karaca has brought criticism from Greeks and praise by Turks.

Türkiye's Defense Minister Pushes 2 States Solution

In a significant and much-anticipated declaration, Türkiye's Defense Minister, Yaşar Güler, has once again underscored the necessity of recognizing two separate states on the island of Cyprus.

President Tatar: No Invitation from the UN

In the latest development of the long-standing Cyprus conflict, President Ersin Tatar of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) has reaffirmed that no invitation has been extended by the United Nations (UN) for a new round of peace talks.