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Türkiye Blocks 'Famagusta' Series on Netflix: A Stand Against Distortion of Historical Facts

The recent decision by the Turkish Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) to prevent Netflix from airing the controversial series "Famagusta" has become headline news across Türkiye.

Netflix’s Famagusta Series: Is Greek Co-CEO's Influence Behind the Decision?

The decision by Netflix to stream the controversial series "Famagusta" has ignited a wave of criticism from Turkish Cypriots, Türkiye, and international observers who question whether political motivations may have influenced this move. At the center of this controversy is Ted Sarandos, the co-CEO of Netflix, whose Greek heritage is being scrutinized as a possible factor behind the platform’s approval of this contentious series.

Exposing The Dangerous Greek Lobby Operating Within The TRNC

As tensions in Cyprus continue to simmer, it is crucial to address a growing concern within the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC): the infiltration of pro-Greek Cypriot influences that undermine the sovereignty and future of the TRNC. This challenge was recently brought to light by Sabahattin İsmail, a prominent Turkish Cypriot writer, in his compelling article titled “İçimizdeki Rum Lobisine Dikkat!” (Beware of the Greek Lobby Among Us!). 

In his article, İsmail warns, "There is a dangerous lobby within our borders that works against the interests of the TRNC, promoting a Greek Cypriot agenda."

Why Do Greek Cypriots Remain Silent on British Sovereignty in Cyprus?

In recent years, several former British colonies, including many Caribbean nations, have taken definitive steps towards full independence from their colonial past. Yet, on the Greek side of Cyprus, there is a conspicuous silence over the continued British sovereignty over military bases in Akrotiri and Dhekelia. This raises fundamental questions about the Greek Cypriot political will and exposes significant weaknesses in their purported narrative of independence and self-determination.