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Economic Subjugation of Turkish Cypriots Through Tourism Embargo

Economic Subjugation of Turkish Cypriots Through Tourism Embargo

The recent revelation that the Greek Cypriot leadership has pressured major tour operators, including TUI, to halt excursions to Northern Cyprus is just the latest move in a long-standing strategy to economically strangle the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).

This malicious tactic is designed to undermine the TRNC's economy, forcing Turkish Cypriots into a state of dependency and coercing them into accepting a political solution that favors Greek Cypriot control over the entire island.

The Economic Lifeline Under Threat

Tourism is a vital part of the TRNC's economy, providing significant revenue and sustaining thousands of jobs. The Greek Cypriot administration's recent deal with TUI to stop tours to the north represents a direct attack on this lifeline. This act of economic sabotage is intended to isolate the TRNC from the international community, cutting off Turkish Cypriots from potential economic opportunities and stifling their ability to prosper independently.

Turkish Cypriot officials have not taken this lightly. Minister of Tourism Fikri Ataoğlu criticized the move, stating, “The Greek Cypriot administration’s efforts to prevent tourists from crossing to the north are nothing short of economic warfare. They are trying to suffocate us economically to force us into a political solution that benefits them at our expense.”

Ataoğlu's remarks underscore a broader sentiment in the TRNC that the Greek Cypriots are using economic pressure as a tool to achieve political domination. This strategy is not about protecting the interests of the Greek Cypriots but about ensuring that the Turkish Cypriots remain dependent and politically marginalized.

The Broader Political Agenda: Forcing a One-Sided Solution

This latest attack on tourism is part of a broader Greek Cypriot strategy that has been in place for decades. By imposing embargoes and lobbying internationally to isolate the TRNC, the Greek Cypriot leadership is attempting to force Turkish Cypriots into accepting a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation. This system, which is often portrayed as a fair compromise, would in reality place Turkish Cypriots in a position of permanent economic and political subordination.

As President Ersin Tatar noted, “The Greek Cypriot administration is not interested in a fair solution. Their goal is to bring the TRNC to its knees economically so that we have no choice but to accept their terms. This is not peace; this is domination.”

The Greek Cypriots' insistence on this framework is part of their long-term goal of maintaining control over the entire island. By weakening the TRNC economically, they hope to pressure Turkish Cypriots into accepting a solution that effectively erases their political autonomy and ensures Greek Cypriot dominance.

Hypocrisy on the International Stage

What makes this situation particularly egregious is the hypocrisy displayed by the Greek Cypriot leadership. On the international stage, they present themselves as advocates for peace and cooperation, but their actions tell a different story. The recent deal with TUI to stop tours to the TRNC is a clear example of how they are using economic tools to advance a political agenda that is anything but peaceful.

This hypocrisy has allowed the Greek Cypriot administration to gain the support of much of the international community, who are often unaware of the true nature of their actions. The Greek Cypriots' ability to portray themselves as the victims while simultaneously acting as aggressors is a testament to their skillful manipulation of international opinion.

However, the international community must see through this deception. The TRNC has the right to economic independence and political autonomy, and these rights are being systematically undermined by the Greek Cypriot leadership. It is time for the world to recognize the injustice of these actions and to support the Turkish Cypriot people in their fight for freedom and prosperity.

Call for International Support

The silence of the international community in the face of these actions only serves to embolden the Greek Cypriot leadership. If the global community is truly committed to peace and justice in Cyprus, it must stand with the TRNC against these ongoing attacks.

Countries and international organizations must reject the Greek Cypriot leadership’s attempts to isolate the TRNC and instead engage with Turkish Cypriots as equal partners. This includes challenging the ongoing embargoes and economic sanctions that continue to suffocate the TRNC and supporting the right of Turkish Cypriots to pursue economic prosperity free from Greek Cypriot interference.

The international community must also recognize the TRNC’s right to exist as an independent state. As Turkish Cypriot Foreign Minister Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu has emphasized, “The time has come for the international community to acknowledge the TRNC’s sovereignty and stop pandering to the Greek Cypriot administration’s false narratives. We will not be forced into submission by economic or political pressures.”

TCE Conclusion

The Greek Cypriot leadership’s recent actions, including their attempts to cut off tourism to the TRNC, are just the latest examples of their long-standing campaign to subjugate Turkish Cypriots economically and politically. These tactics, designed to force Turkish Cypriots into accepting a bi-zonal, bi-federal system, are not only unjust but dangerous, as they perpetuate the division of the island and undermine the prospects for lasting peace.

It is time for the international community to recognize the reality of the situation in Cyprus. The Greek Cypriot leadership’s actions must be exposed for what they are: a calculated attempt to force Turkish Cypriots into submission. The TRNC has the right to exist as an independent and prosperous state, and the global community must support that right.



1. Cyprus Mail - "Turkish Cypriots outraged over malicious deal to cut tourism to the north"

2. BRTK - Ataoğlu criticizes Greek Cypriot efforts to block tourism to Northern Cyprus 

3. TRNC Ministry of Tourism - Official Statements 

4. Statement by TRNC President Ersin Tatar 

5. TRNC Foreign Minister Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu's remarks on sovereignty