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Greek Cypriots to construct a naval base in Mari, Cyprus, with Greek support

Greek Cypriots to construct a naval base in Mari, Cyprus, with Greek support

The recent re-announcement regarding the construction of a naval base in Mari, Cyprus, with Greek support, has raised eyebrows and highlighted the double standards in Greek-Turkish relations.

This move is not unprecedented; Türkiye decision in constructing a naval base in Karpaz is a direct response to the Greek military buildup and the construction of the naval base in Mari Port. 

Historical Context: Greek Military Expansion

Greece's military expansion in Cyprus is not a new phenomenon. The decision to build a naval base in Mari, supported by Greece, follows a historical pattern of Greek military initiatives in the region. This move is seen as a strategic enhancement of Greek influence and capabilities in the Eastern Mediterranean, directly affecting the balance of power.

Questioning Greek Intentions

The establishment of a naval base in Mari raises several critical questions. What motivates Greece to support such a development in Cyprus? This move can be perceived as a direct challenge to Türkiye and TRNC's security. The naval base signifies a substantial military foothold for Greece in the region, enabling it to project power and influence more effectively. This is particularly concerning given the ongoing tensions and historical conflicts between the two nations.

Double Standards in Military Policies

Greece's actions in Cyprus highlight a significant double standard. On one hand, Greece criticizes Türkiye for its military presence and activities in the region. On the other hand, it actively supports the construction of a naval base in a contested area. This hypocrisy is evident and raises questions about Greece's genuine intentions for regional stability and peace.

Moreover, the lifting of arms embargoes on Greek Cyprus by the USA and other Western allies further exacerbates the situation. This military buildup, coupled with the new naval base, sends a clear message of aggressive posturing. The contrast between Greece's condemnation of Turkish military initiatives and its own expansionist actions is stark.

Geopolitical Ramifications: A Strategic Move

The timing of the naval base announcement suggests a broader geopolitical strategy. By establishing a military presence in Cyprus, Greece aims to strengthen its position in the Eastern Mediterranean. This move could be seen as part of a larger plan to encircle and pressure Türkiye, diverting its military resources and attention.

This strategic maneuver has significant implications for the region. The potential for increased tensions and conflict is high, as Türkiye may perceive this development as a direct threat to its security and sovereignty. The presence of a Greek-supported naval base in such close proximity to Turkish waters could lead to increased military confrontations and instability.

Wake-Up Call for Turkish Cypriots Seeking Federalism

For Turkish Cypriots who advocate for a federalist solution in a united Cyprus with Greek Cypriots, this development should serve as a wake-up call. The support for a naval base by Greece, coupled with the aggressive rhetoric from Greek officials, underscores the inherent risks of relying on Greek assurances for peace and cooperation. If conflict were to erupt, the TRNC would undoubtedly face direct threats, compromising the safety and security of Turkish Cypriots.

Violations of Treaties in Cyprus

The provocative actions by Greece and the Greek Cypriot administration in building a naval base also contravene key treaties designed to ensure peace and stability on the island. The Treaty of Guarantee (1960) mandates that Cyprus remain independent and prohibits enosis (union with Greece) or partition. Greece's military expansion undermines this principle.

The Treaty of Alliance (1960) established a tripartite headquarters for Greece, Türkiye, and Cyprus to ensure mutual defense. Greece's unilateral military actions violate the spirit of this cooperation. Lastly, the Treaty of Establishment (1960) created the Republic of Cyprus and granted sovereign base areas to the UK, emphasizing the island's strategic neutrality. Building a new naval base with Greek support disrupts this balance and threatens regional stability.

TCE Conclusion: The Need for Vigilance and Preparedness

The construction of a naval base in Mari with Greek support necessitates a vigilant and prepared response from Türkiye and the TRNC. It is crucial to question the motives behind such developments and to understand the broader geopolitical dynamics at play. While Greece continues to criticize Türkiye's military presence, its own actions reveal a different agenda, one that prioritizes military expansion and dominance in the region.

As we navigate these complex challenges, it is imperative to remember the lessons of history and remain steadfast in our commitment to protecting our sovereignty and people. The double standards exhibited by Greece should serve as a reminder of the need for a strong and independent TRNC, capable of defending its interests and ensuring regional stability.