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Hungary's EU Presidency Seeks Closer Ties with Türkiye

Hungary's EU Presidency Seeks Closer Ties with Türkiye

As Hungary takes the helm of the European Union's rotating presidency, a renewed focus on strengthening strategic ties with Türkiye is expected to bring substantial economic and political benefits.

This move signals a potential shift in EU-Türkiye relations, which have seen limited progress in recent years due to political and diplomatic challenges.

Strengthening Strategic Partnerships

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Hungary has prioritized enhancing its bilateral relations with Türkiye. This partnership, elevated to a strategic level in 2013, has flourished thanks to the strong rapport between Orban and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Hungary's EU presidency is set to deepen this partnership, recognizing Türkiye's crucial role in regional security and economic stability. Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó emphasized, “Türkiye is a key player in ensuring Europe's energy security and managing migration flows. Strengthening our ties is in the best interest of the EU”.

Renewed Efforts for Dialogue

Türkiye's journey with the European Union began with the Ankara Agreement in 1959, aiming at gradual economic integration. Official candidate status was granted in 1999, and accession negotiations commenced in 2005. Despite this progress, the process has been slow, with significant political roadblocks stalling the negotiations since 2018.

Following the May 2023 elections in Türkiye, the EU has shifted its rhetoric, emphasizing a strategic, forward-looking relationship. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen expressed optimism, stating, “We are ready to work with Türkiye on a strategic partnership that addresses common challenges and seizes mutual opportunities”.

Addressing the Cyprus Issue

Hungary’s program also highlights the Cyprus issue, advocating for the resumption of comprehensive settlement negotiations. The long-standing dispute between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots remains a significant hurdle in EU-Türkiye relations. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban noted, “A just and lasting solution to the Cyprus issue is essential for regional stability and EU-Türkiye relations”.

Implications for TRNC

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) stands to benefit from improved EU-Türkiye relations. Enhanced cooperation may lead to increased economic opportunities and political support for the TRNC. Hungary’s presidency could pave the way for more inclusive discussions involving all stakeholders, potentially leading to more balanced and fair negotiations regarding Cyprus.

President Erdoğan reiterated his commitment to defending Turkish Cypriot rights and advocating for the TRNC's recognition as an independent state. “We do not recognize other options,” Erdoğan stated, emphasizing that federation proposals on the island are unrealistic. He further noted, “The recognition of the TRNC as an independent state by countries one after the other serves peace and tranquility in the Eastern Mediterranean”.

Strategic Benefits and Economic Growth

Enhanced EU-Türkiye relations could lead to significant economic benefits for both Türkiye and the TRNC. Modernizing the customs union and addressing visa liberalization are expected to boost economic activities and attract foreign investments. The Turkish business community has welcomed the prospect of stronger ties, which could accelerate capital flows and enhance investor confidence.

Hungary’s EU presidency represents a potential turning point in EU-Türkiye relations. By focusing on strategic cooperation and mutual benefits, Hungary aims to rejuvenate the dialogue between Türkiye and the EU, addressing key issues such as energy security, regional stability, and the Cyprus dispute. This renewed effort could bring significant positive changes for both Türkiye and the TRNC, fostering a more collaborative and prosperous regional environment.