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President Ersin Tatar on GB News: Condemning Greek Cypriot Racism and Ultra-Nationalism

President Ersin Tatar on GB News: Condemning Greek Cypriot Racism and Ultra-Nationalism

In a compelling appearance on GB News, President Ersin Tatar of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) addressed critical issues concerning Cyprus's future, highlighting the pervasive racism and ultra-nationalism of the Greek Cypriot side.


Speaking candidly, President Tatar underscored the importance of recognizing the TRNC and the right of the Turkish Cypriot people to self-determination, while condemning the Greek Cypriot leadership's ongoing efforts to deny these rights.


Tatar’s Bold Stance: Challenging Greek Cypriot Racism

During his live interview, President Tatar made a powerful case against the Greek Cypriot leadership's persistent refusal to acknowledge the TRNC as an independent state. He condemned the deeply rooted racism and ultra-nationalism that have characterized Greek Cypriot politics for decades. Tatar reminded the international audience that these racist ideologies are not a thing of the past but continue to influence the actions and policies of the Greek Cypriot administration.


"Greek Cypriot ultra-nationalism is a significant barrier to peace," Tatar asserted, pointing to the Greek Cypriot side's refusal to engage in meaningful dialogue. He emphasized that their insistence on the outdated notion of Enosis — the unification of Cyprus with Greece — and the slogan "Cyprus is Greek" are not only offensive but also dangerous.


 These ideologies continue to fuel division and conflict, undermining efforts for a fair and sustainable solution on the island.


A Call for Equal Treatment: Recognizing the TRNC

President Tatar also called for the international community to acknowledge the reality on the ground. "The TRNC is a legitimate state with a functioning government, democratic institutions, and a vibrant civil society," he stated. "We have a right to be recognized and treated with respect by the global community."


Tatar's remarks come amid increasing frustration over the international community's double standards. While many countries have recognized Kosovo as an independent state despite Serbia's objections, they refuse to extend the same recognition to the TRNC, which has been a sovereign entity since 1983. Tatar pointed out that this hypocrisy is a result of political lobbying by Greek and Greek Cypriot interests that perpetuate the narrative of a Greek-only Cyprus, ignoring the existence and rights of the Turkish Cypriots.


Exposing the Reality: Greek Cypriot Racism and the Enosis Agenda

In his interview, President Tatar took a firm stand against the Greek Cypriot side's persistent agenda to portray Cyprus as exclusively Greek. He highlighted how this racist narrative is deeply ingrained in their educational systems, media, and political rhetoric. "The Greek Cypriot leadership continues to promote a one-sided view of history that denies the rights and existence of Turkish Cypriots," he noted, calling it a form of institutionalized racism.


Tatar referenced numerous incidents of discrimination against Turkish Cypriots in the south and underscored that the Greek Cypriot administration’s stance is not about peace but about achieving a form of ethnic hegemony. "Their actions show they are not interested in a solution that respects both communities. Instead, they are driven by an ultra-nationalist desire for domination," Tatar argued.


Highlighting Greek Cypriot Aggression: A History of Hostility

President Tatar did not shy away from discussing the historical context of Greek Cypriot aggression toward Turkish Cypriots. He reminded the audience of the 1963-1974 period, during which Turkish Cypriots were subjected to violence, forced displacement, and systemic discrimination under the Greek Cypriot administration. "These are not just stories; they are lived realities that the Turkish Cypriot people have endured for decades," he remarked.


He further elaborated that the Greek Cypriot policy of Enosis, aimed at uniting Cyprus with Greece, was a direct attack on the existence of Turkish Cypriots on the island. This policy, he argued, is rooted in racism and ultra-nationalism, aimed at erasing the Turkish Cypriot identity from Cyprus altogether. "It is time for the world to understand the true nature of Greek Cypriot ambitions," Tatar stated, urging the international community to see beyond the facade and recognize the TRNC as a legitimate state.


A Call to Action: Recognizing the TRNC and Confronting Racism

President Tatar concluded his appearance by calling on the international community to adopt a fairer stance. He urged them to recognize the TRNC and confront the racism and ultra-nationalism that persist on the Greek Cypriot side. "We are ready for peace, but it must be a peace based on equality and mutual respect," Tatar insisted.


He also emphasized the need for greater international awareness of the discrimination faced by Turkish Cypriots and the ultra-nationalist agenda that continues to drive the Greek Cypriot leadership. "The world must not be fooled by the rhetoric of the Greek Cypriot leadership," he warned. "Their actions speak louder than words, and those actions are rooted in exclusion and domination."


Looking Ahead: The Future of Cyprus

President Tatar's interview on GB News has once again highlighted the ongoing struggle for recognition and equality faced by the Turkish Cypriots. It has also exposed the deep-seated racism and ultra-nationalism that continue to drive the Greek Cypriot agenda. As Tatar boldly stated, "Our people have the right to exist in peace and dignity. We have the right to be recognized as a nation."


The path forward, according to Tatar, involves the international community's acknowledgment of the TRNC and a firm stance against the racism and ultra-nationalism of the Greek Cypriot side. Only then, he argues, can there be a genuine and lasting peace on the island of Cyprus.


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TRNC Presidency, "Cumhurbaşkanı Ersin Tatar, GB News Canlı Yayın Programına Katıldı," - TRNC Official Website -