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The Unyielding Reality


In a powerful address at the Çınarlı Martyrs’ Memorial and Atatürk Bust, President Ersin Tatar reaffirmed the undeniable existence of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).

This statement, delivered during a poignant memorial ceremony, was not merely a reflection on the past but a clear-eyed acknowledgment of the present and a strategic vision for the future of Cyprus. As the world continues to grapple with the complex dynamics of international relations and territorial disputes, Tatar's words underscore a crucial narrative: the legitimacy and necessity of a two-state solution in Cyprus.

The TRNC, proclaimed in 1983, has long been a subject of contention in international politics. Despite facing international embargoes and political isolation, the Turkish Cypriot community has steadfastly maintained its autonomy and governance structures. President Tatar’s speech at the memorial ceremony served as a poignant reminder of these struggles and the resilience of the Turkish Cypriot people. He emphasized that the TRNC is not a transient entity but a permanent reality, a sentiment that resonates deeply with those who have witnessed the island's turbulent history.

The history of Cyprus is marked by conflict and division. The 1974 Turkish Peace Operation, initiated in response to a coup aimed at annexing Cyprus to Greece, resulted in the establishment of the TRNC in the northern part of the island. This intervention was driven by the need to protect the Turkish Cypriot population and ensure their safety and rights. The subsequent years have seen numerous attempts at reunification, all of which have failed to address the core issues and provide a sustainable solution. The repeated failures of these efforts underscore the necessity of recognizing two separate states on the island.

In his address, Tatar highlighted the importance of Türkiye’s unwavering support for the TRNC. Türkiye's role is not only historical but also strategic, providing military, economic, and political backing that has been crucial for the TRNC's survival and development. This partnership is vital in the face of international challenges and the persistent refusal of many global actors to recognize the TRNC. The President's remarks serve as a testament to the enduring bond between Türkiye and the TRNC, a relationship that is foundational to the latter's existence and future.

The notion of a two-state solution is not merely a political stance but a reflection of the on-the-ground realities in Cyprus. The island has been effectively divided for nearly half a century, with distinct cultural, political, and social systems developing in the north and south. Efforts to force a reunification under a single state have consistently failed to reconcile these differences and address the legitimate concerns of the Turkish Cypriot community. A two-state solution, therefore, emerges as a pragmatic and just approach, recognizing the de facto situation and providing a framework for peaceful coexistence.

Critics of the two-state solution argue that it entrenches division and undermines the possibility of a unified Cyprus. However, such arguments often overlook the historical context and the lived experiences of the Turkish Cypriots. The insistence on a single-state solution has frequently led to proposals that marginalize the Turkish Cypriot community and fail to ensure their security and rights. In contrast, a two-state solution offers a realistic pathway to stability, where both communities can govern themselves and cooperate on equal footing.

President Tatar's assertion of the TRNC's reality at the memorial ceremony is a clarion call for the international community to reconsider its approach to Cyprus. It is a call to acknowledge the failures of past negotiations and to embrace a solution that reflects the current realities. The recognition of the TRNC and the acceptance of a two-state solution would not only honor the sacrifices of those who have fought for Turkish Cypriot rights but also pave the way for a more stable and prosperous future for all Cypriots.

As we approach the 50th anniversary of the Turkish Peace Operation, it is imperative to reflect on the lessons of history and move towards a resolution that ensures peace, security, and justice. The TRNC is here to stay, and the path to lasting peace lies in recognizing this incontrovertible reality and working towards a future where two states coexist in harmony and mutual respect.

In conclusion, President Ersin Tatar's speech is more than a reaffirmation of the TRNC's existence; it is a powerful advocacy for a two-state solution that acknowledges the historical, political, and social realities of Cyprus. It is a call to the international community to engage with the TRNC as a legitimate entity and to support a resolution framework that guarantees the rights and security of both Turkish and Greek Cypriots. The road to peace and stability in Cyprus lies in the acceptance of these truths and the commitment to a just and equitable solution.