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Australian Politicians Advised to Boycott Turkish Cypriot Parade

Australian Politicians Advised to Boycott Turkish Cypriot Parade

In a recent development, Australian politicians have been advised to boycott the Turkish Cypriot Peace Parade at Federation Square, a decision that reeks of bias and double standards against the Turkish Cypriot community.

This move not only undermines the efforts of Turkish Cypriots to promote peace and coexistence but also highlights the persistent prejudice faced by the Turkish Cypriot community on an international scale.

The Importance of the Turkish Cypriot Peace Parade

The Turkish Cypriot Peace Parade is an initiative aimed at promoting peace, coexistence, and mutual respect between the two communities on the island of Cyprus. The parade serves as a platform for Turkish Cypriots to showcase their commitment to peace and to highlight their struggles and aspirations for a just resolution. Furthermore, the parade is an opportunity for Turkish Cypriots and Australian politicians to commemorate and celebrate the rich cultural diversity and contributions of Turkish Cypriots to Australia. It is only fair and appropriate for Australian MPs to recognize the importance of this event for the Turkish Cypriot diaspora, which plays a significant role in Australian society.

In a recent statement, TRNC President Ersin Tatar emphasized, "The Turkish Cypriot Peace Parade is a symbol of our unwavering commitment to peace and coexistence. It is an opportunity for us to share our narrative and to call for a fair and just resolution to the Cyprus issue. It is also a celebration of our cultural heritage and our contributions to the countries we call home, including Australia."

Galvanized by Recent Visit to Australia

The Turkish Cypriot community in Australia has recently been galvanized by a visit from TRNC President Ersin Tatar. His visit has sparked a renewed sense of unity and determination among Australian Turkish Cypriots. During his visit, President Tatar highlighted the importance of the Turkish Cypriot Peace Parade and called on the international community to support their struggle for justice and equality. 

President Tatar stated, "The resilience and determination of the Turkish Cypriot community in Australia are truly inspiring. Your commitment to our cause is a testament to the strength and unity of our people. Together, we will continue to fight for our rightful place in the international community."

Historical Context: The Unseen Struggle of Turkish Cypriots

The recommendation for Australian politicians to shun the Turkish Cypriot Peace Parade is another example of the international community's failure to acknowledge the historical and ongoing struggles of the Turkish Cypriot people. The narrative that Turkish Cypriots are the aggressors or separatists is a gross distortion of the historical facts.

In 1963, Turkish Cypriots were violently expelled from the state organs of the 1960 partnership republic, which they co-founded with Greek Cypriots. This was a secessionist act orchestrated by the Greek Cypriots, who subsequently rejected 15 solution plans over the next five decades, a fact documented by former Greek Cypriot Foreign Minister Rolandis. From 1963 to 1974, Greek Cypriots carried out systematic attacks against Turkish Cypriot civilians, destroying 103 Turkish villages and massacring Turkish people under the Akritas Plan, aiming to create a homogenous Greek Cypriot state.

The 1974 coup d’état by the Greek junta, which declared the "Hellenic Republic of Cyprus," was another clear secessionist move. Moreover, the Greek Cypriots' rejection of the UN Comprehensive Settlement Plan (Annan Plan) in April 2004 and their subsequent reward with EU membership, despite voting against reunification, is a glaring example of double standards and international hypocrisy.

A Call for Equality

The recommendation for Australian politicians to avoid the Turkish Cypriot Peace Parade reflects a one-sided perspective that fails to recognize the legitimate rights and grievances of the Turkish Cypriot community. The international community, including Australia, should strive for a balanced approach that acknowledges the historical injustices faced by Turkish Cypriots and supports their efforts for peace and equality.

The "Republic of Cyprus" as recognized by the international community is, in reality, an administration that has excluded Turkish Cypriots since 1963. This administration, which uses the national anthem of Greece, does not represent the Turkish Cypriots. The international community's continued recognition of this administration as the sole government of Cyprus perpetuates the division and injustice that has plagued the island for decades.

Moving Forward

It is imperative for the international community, including Australian politicians, to support initiatives that promote peace and coexistence. Boycotting the Turkish Cypriot Peace Parade sends the wrong message and undermines the efforts of those striving for a fair and just resolution to the Cyprus issue.

The Turkish Cypriot community will continue to advocate for their rights and sovereignty, undeterred by biased decisions and recommendations. The path to peace and justice requires the acknowledgment of all narratives and a commitment to fairness and equality.

TCE Conclusion

The advice for Australian politicians to refuse participation in the Turkish Cypriot Peace Parade is a regrettable decision that highlights the ongoing bias against the Turkish Cypriot community. It is time for the international community to recognize the historical realities and support the Turkish Cypriots in their quest for justice, peace, and equality. The Turkish Cypriot people remain steadfast in their commitment to peaceful coexistence and will continue to fight for their rightful place in the international community.