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EU Decision Against Turkish Cypriots is Double Standards

EU Decision Against Turkish Cypriots is Double Standards

The recent European Union statement condemning the participation of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in the Organisation of Turkic States (OTS) summit, where the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) was represented by President Ersin Tatar, is a blatant display of the EU's ongoing bias and double standards against Turkish Cypriots.

This decision not only undermines the sovereignty of the Turkish Cypriot people but also reveals the EU’s institutionalized prejudice towards Türkiye and Turkish Cypriots.

The Realities of Secessionism

The EU's reaction to Hungary's engagement with the TRNC is steeped in hypocrisy. Historically, it was the Greek Cypriots who engaged in secessionist acts, not the Turkish Cypriots. In 1963, the Greek Cypriots expelled Turkish Cypriots from the state organs of the 1960 partnership republic, which both communities co-founded. This unilateral move was, without a doubt, a secessionist act. When Greek Cypriots rejected 15 solution plans over more than 50 years, as documented by former Greek Cypriot Foreign Minister Rolandis, these were also secessionist actions.

From 1963 to 1974, Greek Cypriots attacked Turkish Cypriot civilians, destroyed 103 Turkish villages, and massacred Turkish people under the Akritas Plan. These acts of violence and ethnic cleansing were secessionist in nature, aiming to create a purely Greek Cypriot state. The coup d’état by the Greek junta on 15 July 1974, which declared the "Hellenic Republic of Cyprus," further underscores the Greek Cypriots' secessionist intentions.

In April 2004, the Greek Cypriots voted against the UN Comprehensive Settlement Plan, also known as the Annan Plan, in a separately held referendum. This rejection was a clear secessionist act, as it aimed to perpetuate the division and avoid a unified Cyprus. Shockingly, the EU rewarded the Greek Cypriots with membership to the bloc just a week after they rejected the Annan Plan, leaving the "yes" voting Turkish Cypriots isolated and marginalized. This was yet another instance of the EU’s double standards, effectively endorsing secessionist behavior by the Greek Cypriots.

The EU’s Hypocrisy and Double Standards

When the Greek Cypriots caused the collapse of the final federal negotiations in July 2017, due to their refusal to share governance and wealth with Turkish Cypriots, the EU turned a blind eye. Recognizing the Greek Cypriots as the sole owners and government of Cyprus, while ignoring the historical usurpation of Turkish Cypriot rights in 1963, is the very essence of secessionism. The EU’s position perpetuates the division and injustice that has plagued the island for decades.

The EU’s statement condemning the TRNC’s representation at the OTS summit, attended by an EU member state, is a continuation of its biased policies. The Turkish Cypriot people are as sovereign as the Greek Cypriots. This sovereignty is an inherent right, not subject to the whims of the EU’s biased decisions.

The Path Forward: Sovereignty and Justice

The Turkish Cypriot people have shown remarkable resilience and determination in the face of decades of isolation and injustice. Despite the EU’s attempts to accommodate Greek Cypriot policies of isolating and suffocating us, we remain steadfast in our pursuit of justice and peaceful coexistence as two states. The EU’s decision to condemn Hungary’s participation in the OTS summit is a desperate attempt to maintain the status quo, which unjustly favors the Greek Cypriot side.

It is time for the international community, including the EU, to recognize the realities on the ground. The "Republic of Cyprus" was effectively destroyed in 1963 by the Greek Cypriot side and transformed into an exclusive Greek Cypriot administration. This administration, which uses the national anthem of Greece, has no legitimate right to represent the Turkish Cypriots. The EU’s continued recognition of this administration as the sole government of Cyprus is a grave injustice and a blatant display of double standards.

The Struggle for Recognition

In a recent statement, TRNC President Ersin Tatar emphasized, "The Turkish Cypriot people have the same inherent rights to sovereignty as the Greek Cypriots. Our existence and struggle for recognition will not be undermined by biased decisions from the EU or any other entity."

The Turkish Cypriot community continues to seek international recognition and equality. The OTS summit represented a significant step in this direction, with Hungary’s participation highlighting the growing support for Turkish Cypriot sovereignty. The EU’s condemnation of this event is a clear attempt to stifle progress and maintain an outdated and unjust status quo.

TCE Conclusion

The Turkish Cypriot people will never surrender to the EU’s biased policies. We exist, and we will continue our struggle for justice and peaceful neighborly coexistence as two states. The EU’s decision to condemn the TRNC’s participation in the OTS summit is a reflection of its institutionalized anti-Turkish policies. However, the Turkish Cypriot people are determined to assert their sovereignty and rightful place in the international community.

In the face of the EU’s hypocrisy, we stand defiant and resolute. Our struggle is not just for recognition but for justice, equality, and a peaceful future for all Cypriots. The EU must reconsider its stance and embrace a fair and just approach that acknowledges the sovereignty and rights of the Turkish Cypriot people. Until then, we will continue to fight for our rightful place in the world, undeterred by the EU’s biased decisions.