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Exposing The Dangerous Greek Lobby Operating Within The TRNC

Exposing The Dangerous Greek Lobby Operating Within The TRNC

As tensions in Cyprus continue to simmer, it is crucial to address a growing concern within the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC): the infiltration of pro-Greek Cypriot influences that undermine the sovereignty and future of the TRNC. This challenge was recently brought to light by Sabahattin İsmail, a prominent Turkish Cypriot writer, in his compelling article titled “İçimizdeki Rum Lobisine Dikkat!” (Beware of the Greek Lobby Among Us!). 


In his article, İsmail warns, "There is a dangerous lobby within our borders that works against the interests of the TRNC, promoting a Greek Cypriot agenda."

This statement captures the gravity of the situation and reflects the growing sentiment among many Turkish Cypriots who feel that their nation's sovereignty is under threat, not just from external forces, but from within.


The Internal Threat: Who Are They?

İsmail identifies several key individuals and groups that he claims are part of an internal "Greek lobby." He argues that these people, whom he refers to as "traitors," are covertly working against the interests of the TRNC by promoting narratives that align with Greek Cypriot objectives. "These individuals are hidden among us," İsmail writes, "using their platforms to undermine our national unity and sovereignty."


A significant focus of İsmail's criticism is directed towards Kanal T, a television station in the TRNC, and the AKOL Group, a network of individuals that he claims are disseminating pro-Greek Cypriot propaganda. İsmail argues, “Kanal T has become a tool in the hands of those who wish to weaken the TRNC from within. The station often provides a platform to figures who align with Greek Cypriot perspectives, subtly promoting their narratives under the guise of balanced journalism.” 


According to İsmail, the AKOL Group, an influential media and political faction, has been at the forefront of these efforts. "Members of the AKOL Group," he continues, "are working tirelessly to undermine our state's legitimacy and align us with the Greek side's political goals."


He further asserts that certain media outlets and personalities are actively participating in this lobbying effort. “There are elements within the media that serve as mouthpieces for the Greek Cypriot cause, subtly promoting their agendas under the guise of impartial journalism,” İsmail states. He argues that these actors have significant influence and can sway public opinion against the TRNC’s interests. This assertion is not without basis, as several studies have shown the impact of media narratives on shaping public perceptions and national policies. 


The Two-State Solution Under Attack

The crux of İsmail's argument revolves around the proposed two-state solution for Cyprus, which he strongly supports. "The only viable solution for the future of Cyprus is a two-state solution," he asserts. According to İsmail, the Greek lobby is vehemently opposed to this idea, fearing it would legitimize the existence of the TRNC and solidify its independence. "They aim to weaken our resolve by sowing division among us," he writes, emphasizing the need for national unity and solidarity among Turkish Cypriots to counter these internal threats.


This perspective is supported by several political analysts who argue that a two-state solution is the most realistic path to peace on the island. Dr. Hasan Ünal, a professor of international relations at Maltepe University, concurs: "The two-state solution respects the reality on the ground. It acknowledges the existence of two distinct communities with separate governance structures and national identities." Dr. Ünal's comments underscore the importance of recognizing the unique political and cultural landscape of Cyprus and addressing it accordingly.


Evidence of External Influence

İsmail's accusations are not without evidence. He points to several instances where pro-Greek narratives have been promoted by individuals and organizations within the TRNC. For example, he cites a recent opinion piece published by a prominent journalist in the TRNC who questioned the legitimacy of the Turkish presence in Northern Cyprus. "Such statements are not made in a vacuum," İsmail argues. "They are part of a coordinated effort to delegitimize our cause and align with Greek Cypriot interests."


This sentiment is echoed by political commentator Yusuf Kanlı, who writes in the Daily Sabah: "There is a coordinated attempt to undermine the TRNC’s legitimacy by questioning its foundational principles and promoting narratives that align with the Greek Cypriot agenda." Kanlı's observations highlight the broader geopolitical implications of this internal lobbying effort, suggesting that it may be part of a larger strategy to pressure the TRNC into accepting unfavorable terms in any future negotiations.


The Role of Türkiye

İsmail also emphasizes the importance of Türkiye's support for the TRNC. "Türkiye is our greatest ally," he writes, "and we must remain steadfast in our alliance with them." This point is crucial, given that Türkiye has consistently supported the TRNC's right to self-determination and has advocated for a two-state solution on the international stage.


Indeed, Türkiye's President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has reiterated his country's unwavering support for the TRNC on numerous occasions. "We will continue to support our Turkish Cypriot brothers and sisters," Erdoğan declared in a recent speech. "Their fight for independence and sovereignty is our fight as well." These words are not just rhetoric; they are a clear indication of Türkiye's commitment to the TRNC's cause.


The Call for National Unity

At the heart of İsmail's article is a call for national unity. He argues that the TRNC must remain vigilant against these internal threats and unite to preserve its sovereignty and national identity. "We must not allow ourselves to be divided," he writes. "Our strength lies in our unity and our commitment to our cause."


This call to action is not without merit. Political scientist Dr. Erol Kaymak argues that national unity is crucial for the TRNC to withstand both internal and external pressures. "The TRNC faces numerous challenges, both domestically and internationally," Dr. Kaymak explains. "To overcome these challenges, it is essential that Turkish Cypriots remain united in their pursuit of independence and sovereignty."


Moving Forward: What Can Be Done?

So, what can be done to counter this internal threat? İsmail suggests several measures, including increased vigilance, stronger enforcement of national laws, and a more robust public relations campaign to counter the narratives promoted by the pro-Greek lobby. "We must be proactive in defending our national interests," he writes. "This means not only countering false narratives but also promoting our own story to the world."


Political analyst Mustafa Kutlay agrees, stating: "The TRNC needs to invest in its public diplomacy efforts to better communicate its position and counteract the influence of the Greek lobby." Kutlay's comments highlight the importance of strategic communication in shaping international perceptions and defending national interests.


TCE Conclusion: A Call to Arms for the TRNC

İsmail’s article is a stark reminder of the challenges faced by the TRNC in its quest for recognition and independence. The presence of a pro-Greek lobby within its borders poses a significant threat to its sovereignty and future. However, as İsmail aptly points out, this threat can be countered through vigilance, unity, and a commitment to defending the TRNC’s interests.


"We must never forget," İsmail concludes, "that our fight is not just for today but for the future of all Turkish Cypriots." This rallying cry encapsulates the spirit of resistance and determination that has characterized the Turkish Cypriot struggle for decades.


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İsmail, S. (2024). İçimizdeki Rum Lobisine Dikkat! 5G Virus News. Retrieved from
Ünal, H. (2023). Interview with Hasan Ünal. Maltepe University Press.
Kanlı, Y. (2023). The Undermining of the TRNC.
Daily Sabah. 

Erdoğan, R. T. (2024). Speech on Cyprus Issue. Anadolu Agency.
Kaymak, E. (2023). National Unity and Sovereignty in the TRNC.
Cyprus Observer.

Kutlay, M. (2023). Strategic Communication for the TRNC. Turkish Policy Quarterly.