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Greek Cypriot Strategies to Undermine the TRNC

Greek Cypriot Strategies to Undermine the TRNC

The recent detainment of Turkish-Israeli businessman Simon Mistriel Aykut by the Greek Cypriot administration represents yet another strategic maneuver by Greek Cypriot authorities to economically destabilize the Turkish Cypriot community.

 Aykut, who has invested over €43 million into the TRNC’s property sector, now faces 124 charges related to developing properties on Greek Cypriot land. This incident, while presented as a legal action, is part of a broader pattern of economic coercion aimed at creating artificial dependencies and pushing Turkish Cypriots towards a federal solution, ultimately undermining their sovereignty and economic independence.

The case of Simon Mistriel Aykut epitomizes the ongoing strategy of economic weaponization. Aykut’s significant investments in the TRNC’s property sector represent a direct threat to the economic narrative that Greek Cypriot authorities wish to maintain. By detaining Aykut and charging him with developing properties on disputed land, Greek Cypriot authorities send a clear message to other potential investors: engaging with the TRNC comes with significant risks.

A Pattern of Economic Isolation

Since Türkiye's intervention in 1974 to save the Turkish Cypriot population from ethnic cleansing and genocide, Turkish Cypriots have faced numerous embargoes designed to cripple their economy & silence their identity. The Greek Cypriot administration has consistently lobbied against direct flights to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), forcing Turkish Cypriots and visitors to travel via Türkiye, significantly increasing travel time and costs. This travel restriction is not merely a logistical inconvenience but a deliberate strategy to hinder tourism and international business, crucial sectors for the Turkish Cypriot economy.

Historical Context: Embargoes and Trade Restrictions

The detainment of Aykut is not an isolated event. It follows a long history of economic isolation tactics employed by Greek Cypriot authorities. These tactics have included embargoes, trade restrictions, and efforts to prevent international recognition of the TRNC. The economic isolation imposed on Turkish Cypriots is well-documented.

 According to the European Commission, the Council of the European Union pledged to end the isolation of the Turkish Cypriot community to facilitate the reunification of Cyprus by encouraging economic development in the north. Despite these promises, the economic embargoes remain largely intact, perpetuating economic hardship for Turkish Cypriots.

Preventing International Recognition

Efforts to prevent the international recognition of the TRNC have been relentless. Greek Cypriot authorities have used their influence in the European Union and other international bodies to block diplomatic and economic engagement with the TRNC. This has led to a situation where Turkish Cypriots are denied the benefits of international trade agreements and access to global markets, further isolating their economy. For example, the European Court of Justice's decision to not accept Turkish Cypriot goods effectively instituted an embargo against Northern Cyprus, highlighting the political bias that exacerbates economic isolation.

Direct Trade: A Contentious Issue

One of the most contentious issues remains the prohibition of direct trade between the TRNC and the rest of the world. The Turkish Cypriot community has been barred from participating in direct trade due to political pressure from Greek Cypriots. This restriction not only limits economic opportunities but also reinforces the dependency on Türkiye for essential goods and services. The Green Line Regulation, which governs the movement of goods between the north and south of Cyprus, imposes significant limitations, effectively preventing the Turkish Cypriots from engaging in meaningful economic activity with the rest of the European Union.

Political and Legal Rights and Representation

Despite being EU citizens, Turkish Cypriots living in the TRNC face significant political and legal restrictions. EU law is suspended in areas where the Government of Cyprus does not exercise effective control, meaning Turkish Cypriots are often denied the same rights and privileges as other EU citizens. This includes limitations on political representation and participation in EU institutions. The lack of recognition of TRNC-issued passports severely restricts the ability of Turkish Cypriots to travel internationally, effectively trapping them within the confines of the TRNC.

Economic Dependency and Political Coercion

The underlying aim of these economic restrictions is clear: to create an artificial dependency on the Republic of Cyprus and, by extension, on the broader international community dominated by Greek Cypriot interests. By weakening the Turkish Cypriot economy, Greek Cypriot authorities hope to pressure Turkish Cypriots into accepting a federal solution, effectively diluting their sovereignty.

The Role of Türkiye

In this context, the support from Türkiye has been indispensable. Türkiye has provided vital economic and infrastructural aid to the TRNC, helping to mitigate the impacts of international embargoes and isolation. This support has not only been economic but also political, as Türkiye continues to advocate for the recognition and rights of Turkish Cypriots on the international stage.

Impact on Cultural and Athletic Engagements

The economic embargoes extend beyond trade and investment, impacting cultural and athletic engagements. Turkish Cypriot athletes often face difficulties participating in international competitions due to these embargoes, further isolating the community and depriving it of opportunities to showcase its talents on the global stage. Athletes from the TRNC are barred from competing under their national flag, often forced to compete under neutral or different flags, undermining their national identity and pride.

 These restrictions have affected numerous sporting events, where Turkish Cypriot athletes have been either excluded or compelled to participate under constraints that do not apply to their Greek Cypriot counterparts.

TCE Conclusion: Resisting Economic Coercion

It is crucial for the international community to recognize the economic coercion tactics being employed against the Turkish Cypriots. The consistent support from Türkiye remains vital, but there is also a need for broader international acknowledgment and action. Economic sanctions and isolation tactics undermine not just the economy of the TRNC but also the principles of fair play and justice in international relations.

The Turkish Cypriot community continues to resist these pressures, striving for economic independence and international recognition. The case of Simon Mistriel Aykut should serve as a wake-up call to the world about the ongoing economic warfare being waged against Turkish Cypriots and the urgent need for a more balanced and just approach to the Cyprus issue.