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Türkiye Blocks 'Famagusta' Series on Netflix: A Stand Against Distortion of Historical Facts

Türkiye Blocks 'Famagusta' Series on Netflix: A Stand Against Distortion of Historical Facts

The recent decision by the Turkish Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) to prevent Netflix from airing the controversial series "Famagusta" has become headline news across Türkiye.


The decision, spearheaded by RTÜK Chairman Ebubekir Şahin, was met with widespread support from Turkish communities both domestically and internationally, who believe that the series portrays a distorted and biased narrative against the Turkish Cypriot cause and Türkiye's rightful intervention in Cyprus in 1974. This move has sparked a significant dialogue on the portrayal of historical events in international media and the right of countries to protect their national interests and historical truths.


The Controversial Series: "Famagusta"

The series "Famagusta," produced in collaboration with entities in Greece and the Greek Cypriot administration, has been criticized for presenting the Cyprus Peace Operation as an act of aggression by Türkiye. The series has been described by many as a deliberate attempt to undermine the heroic actions of the Turkish army and misrepresent the operation, which aimed to protect the Turkish Cypriot community from ongoing violence and discrimination. 


Ebubekir Şahin emphasized that “such provocative attempts will not be tolerated” and that RTÜK, as a regulatory authority, has the responsibility to ensure that the content available to the Turkish audience respects the country's values and historical truths.


Public Backlash and Türkiye's Decisive Response

Following the release of the series, there was a significant public backlash in Türkiye. The series was accused of being "propaganda" and an "unacceptable distortion of history." Many Turkish citizens and Turkish Cypriots expressed their outrage on social media platforms, urging the government to take immediate action against the broadcast of the series. As a result, RTÜK entered into discussions with Netflix, leading to an agreement that the series would not be aired in Türkiye or in any other country except where it had already been released, specifically in Greece.


Ebubekir Şahin stated, “The Cyprus Peace Operation, which aimed to defend the just cause of the Turkish Cypriots and to rescue our compatriots who were subjected to oppression, truly brought peace to the island within a legal framework. We will continue to work resolutely to prevent attacks on our national values”. This statement reflects the strong stance Türkiye has taken against what it perceives as an attack on its historical narrative and national integrity.


Turkish Cypriot Support and IMDB Campaign

Supporters of the Turkish Cypriot cause, particularly members of the Facebook community, have actively participated in downgrading the series on IMDb. They believe that the series not only distorts historical facts but also unfairly vilifies the Turkish community. Many TCE members voiced their concerns online, stating that the portrayal of the Cyprus Peace Operation as an invasion was inaccurate and inflammatory. “We will not stand idle while our history is distorted and our efforts for justice and equality are undermined,” said one of the group's prominent activists in a recent Facebook post.


This campaign reflects a broader effort by Turkish Cypriots and their supporters to counter what they see as misinformation and bias in international media regarding the events in Cyprus. The efforts to downrate the series on IMDb were part of a larger strategy to challenge false narratives and promote a truthful representation of history.


Media Reactions and Political Editorials

Media coverage in Türkiye has largely supported RTÜK's decision, with various political commentators and editorial pieces echoing the sentiment that the decision was necessary to protect Türkiye's image and historical truth. Several editorials highlighted that the series’ portrayal of the Cyprus Peace Operation as an "occupation" is not only misleading but also deeply offensive to the memory of those who lost their lives during the conflict.


A political editorial in Yeniçağ Gazetesi stated, “The Cyprus Peace Operation is one of the most crucial turning points in our recent history, bringing peace and stability to the island. Any attempt to tarnish this event must be met with firm resistance. Türkiye has the right and duty to safeguard its historical truths and national pride”.


TCE Conclusion: A Stand for Truth and Justice

RTÜK’s decision to block the airing of “Famagusta” on Netflix in Türkiye has been praised as a necessary and just action to counter misinformation and protect national values. The move has united Turkish citizens and Turkish Cypriots in their fight against what they see as a biased and politically motivated portrayal of historical events. As Ebubekir Şahin stated, "The heroic Turkish soldiers brought peace and stability to Cyprus, the bloodshed was stopped, and the tears of the oppressed were wiped away".


The battle against distorted narratives continues, with the Turkish community determined to ensure that the truth about the Cyprus Peace Operation is preserved and respected. This incident serves as a reminder that historical integrity and national pride remain vital issues for nations around the world.


We are proud of the actions of our activists particularly via our Facebook TCE group who have taken a stand.

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Yeniçağ Gazetesi, “Netflix'ten geri adım: 'Famagusta' Türkiye'de yayınlanmayacak,”, “RTÜK, Netflix'in 'Famagusta' dizisinin yayınlanmayacağını açıkladı,”, “Netflix'ten geri adım: Tepki çeken 'Famagusta' dizisi yayınlanmayacak,”