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UK General Election 2024

UK General Election 2024

Recent polls indicate that Labour is poised for a significant victory in the upcoming general election. According to a YouGov poll conducted in June 2024, Labour holds a substantial lead over the Conservatives, with 44% of the vote compared to the Conservatives' 26%.

This suggests a growing public dissatisfaction with the Conservative government's handling of various issues, including the economy and public services.

In addition to Labour's surge, the right-wing movement led by Nigel Farage and his Reform UK party has been gaining traction. Farage's party is polling at around 6%, appealing to voters dissatisfied with both the Conservatives and Labour, particularly on issues related to Brexit and immigration.

Meanwhile, the Liberal Democrats (LibDems) are positioning themselves as a viable alternative to the two major parties. Currently polling at around 12%, the LibDems are focusing on centrist policies, emphasizing social justice, and environmental sustainability. Their leader, Ed Davey, is working to attract voters disillusioned with the traditional party options.

For the Turkish Cypriot community, which has historically supported Labour, this election presents an opportunity to reassess political allegiances. With increasing dissatisfaction with both major parties, it is crucial for the community to consider alternatives such as the LibDems or independent candidates like Ertan Karpazli. The voice of Turkish Cypriots is significant, and their support can sway key seats in London and surrounding areas. Now is the time to lobby effectively for change and ensure their interests are adequately represented.

Our Turkish Cypriot Candidates
Ertan Karpazli is an independent Turkish Cypriot candidate running for Enfield North. Karpazli's campaign focuses on representing the interests of the Turkish Cypriot community, which is significant in this area. His platform includes advocating for better community services, education, and support for small businesses. Karpazli emphasizes his independence from party politics as a strength, offering a direct voice for his constituents crucially pledging to support the needs of Turkish Cypriots.

Nesil Çalışkan, running as a Labour candidate, aims to become the first Turkish Cypriot female MP. Çalışkan's candidacy is seen as a historic moment for the Turkish Cypriot community in the UK. Her campaign is built on Labour’s broader policies but also highlights issues specifically affecting Turkish Cypriots, such as direct flights, community support and enhancing multicultural integration.

Potential Impact on the Cyprus Issue

From a Turkish Cypriot perspective, the reshuffle in Keir Starmer’s shadow cabinet could have significant implications for the Cyprus issue, especially concerning the recognition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), the potential for direct flights, and other issues affecting the British Turkish Cypriot diaspora in the UK.

David Lammy (Shadow Foreign Secretary)

Lammy's approach to foreign policy could significantly influence Labour's stance on international conflicts and resolutions. Historically, Lammy has been criticized by the Turkish Cypriot community for snubbing their requests for meetings, citing a busy schedule, while accepting meetings with Greek Cypriot lobby groups. However, a positive development was seen when Lammy recently met with Türkiye's Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, indicating a potential openness to dialogue and support for Turkish Cypriot issues in the future. This meeting could signal a shift in Labour’s policy towards a more balanced approach, potentially aiding in the recognition efforts for TRNC and support for direct flights.

Political Engagement

Effectively engaging David Lammy to support Turkish Cypriot interests is essential. Matters such as direct flights and TRNC recognition fall under the Foreign Office's jurisdiction. Turkish Cypriots have been a vital voting demographic for Labour in London and surrounding counties, making their support crucial for securing key seats in these areas. Previous neglect by the Shadow Foreign Secretary has raised concerns within the community about selective engagement with issues like Islamophobia. Addressing Turkish Cypriot interests comprehensively will be key to gaining and maintaining their support.

Labour’s shift towards a more centrist position under Starmer, combined with the experienced lineup in the shadow cabinet, suggests a pragmatic approach to both domestic and international issues. This approach could potentially benefit the Turkish Cypriot community in the UK, particularly in their efforts for TRNC recognition and direct flights.

TCE Conclusion
The upcoming general election is a pivotal moment for the Turkish Cypriot community in the UK. While Labour and the Conservatives have traditionally been the dominant choices, the growing prominence of the Liberal Democrats and independent candidates like Ertan Karpazli presents new opportunities. The community must evaluate which party or candidate best represents their interests, particularly concerning TRNC recognition and direct flights.


The Labour Party, under Keir Starmer’s leadership, has positioned itself strongly for the next election, but the Turkish Cypriot community's voice is crucial. Effective lobbying and strategic voting can ensure that their interests are prioritized, whether through Labour, the LibDems, or independent candidates. Turkish Cypriots must think carefully before casting their votes to ensure their community's needs and aspirations are effectively addressed in the next government.