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President Tatar Hosts Italian MP

In a pivotal moment for the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), President Ersin Tatar hosted Italian Parliamentarian Piero Fassino to discuss the longstanding Cyprus issue. 

President Tatar Rebukes Holguin

In a recent series of exchanges, President Ersin Tatar has vehemently criticized UN Special Envoy to Cyprus, Maria Angela Holguin, for her approach towards the ongoing Cyprus negotiations.

Hesitation of Turkic Republics

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) has long faced challenges in gaining international recognition. Despite its establishment nearly 50 years ago, it remains unrecognized by many countries, including those within the Turkic world. 

Hydrocarbon Rights

The Eastern Mediterranean is a region of immense strategic importance, brimming with natural resources that hold the potential for economic prosperity. Yet, the rights and interests of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) have been systematically overlooked, particularly in the context of the region's lucrative hydrocarbon reserves.