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Latest TCE News

3rd Forum of Turkic States

The 3rd International Forum of Turkic States Appraisers, recently held in Baku, marked a significant step towards bolstering cooperation and economic integration among Turkic-speaking countries.

Greece and Israel’s Alliance

In a significant show of military cooperation, Greece and Israel have recently completed extensive joint military drills, including long-range air force exercises.

Security Threat

Based on a report from Nordic Monitor, Türkiye has classified Greece and Cyprus as significant security threats, leading to a comprehensive intelligence gathering campaign.

UK Steps Up

UK Parliamentarians Call for an End to Turkish Cypriot Isolation

In a significant development that underscores a growing recognition of the plight of Turkish Cypriots, a coalition of 50 influential UK parliamentarians has called for an end to the long-standing isolation of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).