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Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis: Acknowledging Atrocities

Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis: Acknowledging Atrocities

In a notable gesture towards reconciliation, former Greek Cypriot Foreign Minister Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis publicly apologized for the atrocities committed against Turkish Cypriots during the 1974 conflict.

 This rare act of contrition, expressed through a heartfelt message on her personal Facebook page, underscores the importance of acknowledging past crimes as a fundamental step towards fostering peace and mutual understanding in Cyprus.

Public Apology and Historical Context

On August 16, 2016, Kozakou-Marcoullis issued a sincere public apology for the horrific crimes perpetrated by EOKA B extremists on August 14, 1974. These crimes included the brutal massacres of 126 women and children in the villages of Atlılar, Muratağa, and Sandallar, and 85 civilian men from the village of Taşkent. She lamented that despite the passage of over four decades, no official investigation had been conducted by the Republic of Cyprus to bring the perpetrators to justice. Kozakou-Marcoullis stated:

"I feel the need to express a sincere public apology to our Turkish Cypriot compatriots for the horrific crimes committed on 14 August 1974 by EOKA B extremists against 126 women and children in the villages of Atlılar, Muratağa, and Sandallar and 85 civilian men (including a boy of 12 years) from the village of Taşkent".

Call for a Truth Commission

Kozakou-Marcoullis emphasized the necessity of establishing a "Truth Commission" to uncover the facts surrounding these tragedies. She argued that without a thorough understanding and acknowledgment of past events, true reconciliation and peaceful coexistence between Greek and Turkish Cypriots would remain elusive. Her call for transparency and accountability reflects a broader need for historical justice and healing in Cyprus. She also admitted that the authorities had not tried to locate and prosecute the perpetrators:

"Unfortunately, during the past 42 years no investigation has been conducted by the official state of the Republic of Cyprus to unravel the truth behind these crimes and none of the culprits has been brought to justice".

Diplomatic and Political Career

Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis has had a distinguished career in diplomacy and politics. She served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus during two separate terms (2007-2008 and 2011-2013) and as the Minister of Communications and Works (2010-2011). Her tenure was marked by significant diplomatic efforts to address the Cyprus problem and promote a peaceful resolution. Her role was crucial in advocating for a fair solution that respects the rights of both communities on the island.

Efforts Towards Reconciliation and a Two-State Solution

Kozakou-Marcoullis has consistently advocated for a solution that ensures political equality and safeguards the rights of both communities on the island. However, the persistent refusal by Greek Cypriot leaders to acknowledge the realities on the ground and engage constructively in negotiations has led many to believe that a two-state solution might be the only viable path forward. This perspective is supported by the ongoing desire of Turkish Cypriots to have their own recognized state and live free from the dominance of the Greek Cypriot administration.

The Greek Cypriot side has often been criticized for not fully addressing the needs and rights of the Turkish Cypriot community. The Turkish Cypriot leadership, supported by Türkiye, has repeatedly expressed the necessity for a political arrangement that genuinely reflects the equality of both communities. This includes the recognition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) as a separate and sovereign state.

The Need for International Support

Kozakou-Marcoullis has also highlighted the importance of greater international recognition and support for the Turkish Cypriot cause. She has called for global awareness and action to acknowledge the legitimate aspirations of the Turkish Cypriots. In this context, she emphasized the necessity of international efforts to ensure that the Turkish Cypriot community is not marginalized or ignored in the broader geopolitical discussions about the future of Cyprus.

TCE Conclusion

Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis' public apology and her calls for historical accountability mark a crucial step towards reconciliation in Cyprus. By acknowledging past atrocities and advocating for a transparent investigation into these crimes, she has set a precedent for other leaders to follow. Her diplomatic efforts underscore the importance of a fair and just resolution to the Cyprus problem, one that respects the rights and dignity of all Cypriots. As the island continues to grapple with its divided history, historical leaders like Kozakou-Marcoullis played a vital role in paving the way for a peaceful and potentially two-state future.