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Cyprus’s Genetic Truth: Debunking the Myth of Greek Cypriot DNA
A recent genetic study published in Cyprus Mail has unveiled that Cypriot men possess, only 10% and rarely at most, 30% Greek ancestry, debunking the long-held belief that Cyprus is an inherently Greek island.
This revelation not only challenges the Greek nationalist narrative but also exposes the fabricated notion of a unified “Cypriot identity,” which has been used to undermine the Turkish presence on the island. The study, conducted by Professor Constantinos Deltas and his team at at the University of Cyprus, adds scientific weight to the truth: Turkish Cypriots are of genuine Turkish lineage, while Greek Cypriots themselves have little connection to the Greeks of mainland Greece.
Unraveling the Genetic Threads of Cyprus
Professor Deltas and his team analyzed the genomes of 1,400 Cypriots, with plans to expand to 5,000 samples, providing the most detailed genetic study of Cyprus to date. The findings dismantle the Greek claim that Cyprus is an extension of Greece, showing instead that Greek Cypriots are not purely Greek, but rather a mix of various Eastern Mediterranean influences. Even more crucially, this research reinforces what Turkish Cypriots have always maintained: they are not simply Cypriots, but Turks with ancestry linked directly to the Turkish homeland.
Professor Deltas pointed out that Greek lineage markers only account for 10 to 30% of the Cypriot male population’s ancestry. This confirms that Greek Cypriots are a hybrid people, descended from a range of civilizations that occupied Cyprus over the centuries. In contrast, Turkish Cypriots trace their roots directly to the Ottoman Turks, who settled on the island from Anatolia and maintained their distinct Turkish identity, culture, and language.
Greek Cypriots: A Population Without Greek Roots
While Greek nationalist propaganda has long tried to portray Greek Cypriots as an extension of Greece, historical and genetic evidence tells a different story. The genetic makeup of Greek Cypriots contains significant Levantine, Phoenician, and Anatolian influences, making them genetically distinct from modern Greeks. The romanticized idea that Cyprus is purely Greek is based on revisionist history rather than factual evidence.
Even ancient Greek historians such as Herodotus documented that Cyprus was home to various peoples, including Phoenicians and indigenous populations, long before Hellenic influences arrived. The notion that Greek Cypriots are the descendants of these settlers is historically inaccurate, as their DNA shows far more genetic similarity to Middle Eastern populations than to Greeks from Athens or Sparta.
Turkish Cypriots: The True Heirs of Turkish Ancestry
In stark contrast to Greek Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots have clear genetic links to the Turkish people. The Ottomans, who ruled Cyprus from 1571 until 1878, brought settlers from Anatolia, establishing Turkish communities that thrived on the island. These settlers, many of whom were soldiers, farmers, and merchants, maintained their language, customs, and identity. Unlike Greek Cypriots, who absorbed various influences and lost their cultural purity, Turkish Cypriots remained firmly connected to their Turkish roots.
Historical records also confirm this fact. Ottoman census data shows that entire villages were populated exclusively by Turkish settlers. Unlike the Greek Cypriots, who mingled with other populations, Turkish Cypriots retained their lineage by marrying within their communities and maintaining their ethnic distinction.
This genetic continuity is also reflected in linguistic and cultural traits. The Turkish Cypriot dialect remains closely linked to the dialects of Anatolia, while Greek Cypriots have developed a dialect that incorporates many non-Greek elements. This further illustrates how Turkish Cypriots have preserved their heritage, while Greek Cypriots have strayed far from their supposed Greek origins.
The Fallacy of Cypriotism
For decades, some political factions have promoted “Cypriotism,” a concept that argues for a singular Cypriot identity, ignoring the distinct histories, cultures, and national allegiances of the island’s two peoples. This idea has been used as a tool to erase the Turkish Cypriot identity and present Cyprus as a place where Greeks and Turks are one people. However, the recent genetic study completely discredits this notion.
Cyprus has never been a single, unified nation in the way that Cypriotists claim. Historically, the island has always been home to separate communities with different languages, religions, and traditions. The idea that Turkish Cypriots should abandon their Turkish identity to adopt a vague “Cypriot” identity is nothing more than an attempt to erase their national consciousness and assimilate them into a Greek-dominated state.
This attempt at forced unity disregards the historical reality that Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots have never lived in harmony under a single national identity. Even before the division of 1974, the two communities lived largely separate lives, with different schools, legal systems, and cultural institutions. The notion that Cypriots are one people is a convenient lie that benefits only those who seek to diminish the rightful status of Turkish Cypriots as a sovereign nation.
Rejecting Greek Propaganda and Embracing Turkish Truth
The genetic evidence is clear: Cyprus is not, and has never been, a purely Greek island. The fabricated idea that Greek Cypriots are an extension of Greece is not supported by historical or scientific facts. Similarly, the claim that Turkish Cypriots are simply Cypriots without a distinct Turkish identity is categorically false.
The truth is that Turkish Cypriots are Turks, with a direct line of ancestry to the Turkish settlers who arrived under Ottoman rule. Their language, customs, and culture are unmistakably Turkish. Any attempt to erase this reality is an act of historical revisionism and political manipulation.
TCE Conclusion
The recent genetic study published by Cyprus Mail has shattered long-standing myths about Cyprus’s demographic and historical composition. The results confirm that Greek Cypriots are not purely Greek and that Turkish Cypriots have retained their Turkish lineage. This new scientific evidence serves as an important counterargument against Greek nationalist propaganda, which falsely claims Cyprus as a Greek island.
More importantly, the study completely invalidates the idea of Cypriotism, a concept used to erase Turkish identity and promote a false narrative of unity. Turkish Cypriots must continue to assert their rightful identity as Turks and reject any attempts to dilute their heritage in favor of a fabricated, politically motivated “Cypriot” label.
As Cyprus moves forward, Turkish Cypriots must use this research to strengthen their case for recognition and ensure that their historical truth is acknowledged. The days of Greek dominance over the island’s narrative are over. The facts are now clear for all to see: Turkish Cypriots are Turks, and Cyprus is not a Greek island.
Looking Ahead: Defending Turkish Identity
In the face of continued political and cultural challenges, Turkish Cypriots must remain vigilant in preserving their identity. The international community must recognize that Cyprus is home to two separate and distinct peoples, and any political solution must reflect this reality.
Education and awareness campaigns should be launched to counter Greek propaganda and promote the historical and genetic truth about Turkish Cypriots. The fight for recognition is not just political; it is a battle for historical accuracy and the preservation of national identity.
Cyprus Mail, "Cypriots Not So Greek After All: New Study Shows," March 11, 2025.
Additional historical and genetic studies on Cypriot ancestry and migration patterns.