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President Tatar meets UN Envoy Holguin in London

President Tatar meets UN Envoy Holguin in London

In a significant diplomatic encounter, President Ersin Tatar of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) met with Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar, the personal representative of the United Nations Secretary-General, in London.

The meeting, held at the TRNC Representative Office, lasted for an hour and focused on the current state of the Cyprus negotiations.

No Common Ground

Following the meeting, President Tatar spoke to the Turkish News Agency Cyprus (TAK), emphasizing that the efforts to find common ground in the Cyprus issue had become even more challenging. Tatar thanked Holguin for her efforts to mediate and find a common ground but pointed out that it had become clear that no such ground existed at this stage. “The efforts of the UN representative are appreciated, but it has become evident that there is no common ground,” Tatar remarked.

Holguin is set to present her report to the UN Secretary-General on July 10, detailing the current situation and the lack of progress due to the Greek Cypriot leadership’s uncompromising stance. President Tatar highlighted that since Holguin took office, the possibility of finding a common ground had diminished even further.

Stalemate Due to Greek Cypriot Intransigence

President Tatar attributed the deadlock to the Greek Cypriot leadership's unyielding attitude. He stated, “The Greek Cypriot leadership’s refusal to recognize the legitimate rights of the Turkish Cypriots continues to obstruct progress. This inflexible stance has made it impossible to move forward in the negotiation process.”

Property Issues and the Immovable Property Commission

A significant portion of the discussion was dedicated to the ongoing property disputes. President Tatar emphasized that the Immovable Property Commission (IPC) in the TRNC is the appropriate body to handle property claims, in accordance with international law. The IPC provides remedies through restitution, compensation, and exchange mechanisms. “The Immovable Property Commission is recognized by the European Court of Human Rights as the appropriate body to address property issues. It offers a fair and legal solution,” Tatar asserted.

Greek Cypriot Campaign Against TRNC Investments

President Tatar also brought up the recent developments where the Greek Cypriot leadership has been attempting to dissuade investments in the TRNC, particularly targeting the construction sector. He mentioned that the Greek Cypriots were using legal means to conduct an organized campaign against individuals investing in Northern Cyprus. “The Greek Cypriot side is using the judiciary as a tool to intimidate and deter investments in the TRNC. This organized attack is deeply concerning,” Tatar commented.

Diplomatic Efforts and the Way Forward

President Tatar’s meeting with the UN representative in London is part of the TRNC’s broader strategy to engage with international stakeholders and advocate for the recognition of Turkish Cypriot rights. By actively participating in diplomatic dialogues, the TRNC aims to highlight its perspective and garner international support.

“We are committed to a peaceful resolution based on the principles of sovereign equality and mutual respect. Our diplomatic efforts are focused on explaining our position to the international community and seeking their understanding and support,” Tatar said.

TCE Conclusion

The meeting between President Ersin Tatar and Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar in London underscores the persistent challenges in resolving the Cyprus issue. Despite the TRNC’s proactive diplomacy and commitment to a fair solution, the Greek Cypriot leadership's intransigence remains a significant obstacle. The TRNC continues to advocate for a solution that acknowledges the rights and status of both communities on the island, aiming for a peaceful and just resolution.

For more details, you can visit the KKTC official presidency website by clicking here.