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 Türkiye's Assertive Stance on Eastern Mediterranean Maritime

Türkiye's Assertive Stance on Eastern Mediterranean Maritime

Recent reports from Greek media regarding Türkiye's NAVTEX in the Eastern Mediterranean have painted a skewed picture of the situation, neglecting critical legal and historical context that underpin Türkiye's rightful claims.

It is imperative to set the record straight and assert Türkiye's justified stance in these maritime disputes.

Türkiye's Legal and Historical Rights

Türkiye's maritime claims are rooted in both historical precedent and international law. The 2019 maritime agreement between Türkiye and Libya is a cornerstone of this position. This agreement, which delineates an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) between the two countries, is entirely legitimate and crucial for Türkiye’s strategic interests. This agreement has been mischaracterized by Greece as illegal, despite it being a sovereign right of both Türkiye and Libya to enter such agreements.

Contrary to Greek assertions, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has established that islands do not automatically generate extensive maritime zones if they are close to another country's mainland. This is especially relevant considering Greece's attempt to claim vast maritime areas based on its numerous islands, some of which are only a few kilometers from Türkiye’s coast.

The Cyprus Issue: Misrepresentations and Realities

It is essential to address the misconceptions regarding Cyprus. Türkiye does not recognize the Republic of Cyprus, a stance grounded in the ongoing political and territorial divisions on the island since 1974. Any maritime agreements or EEZ declarations by the Republic of Cyprus are therefore invalid in Türkiye's view. Instead, Türkiye acknowledges the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and insists that any exploration of maritime resources must involve both Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots equally.

The Greek Cypriot administration’s unilateral actions in the region, without the inclusion of the TRNC, are a clear violation of Turkish Cypriots' rights. These actions are designed to marginalize Turkish interests and control the region's resources unilaterally, which is unacceptable under any fair and just international framework.

The Aegean Dispute: Unilateral Actions by Greece

The Aegean dispute, a long-standing issue between Türkiye and Greece, has been further exacerbated by Greece's recent unilateral moves, such as the EEZ agreement with Egypt. These actions directly contravene the 1976 Bern Agreement, which mandates both countries to refrain from unilateral initiatives in disputed waters (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye).

Moreover, Greece’s maximalist claims, extending its continental shelf and EEZ to include remote islands like Kastellorizo, defy equitable principles. These claims are inconsistent with international jurisprudence, which typically does not recognize extensive maritime rights for small islands situated near the mainland of another country.

Türkiye's Commitment to Peace and Equity

Despite these provocations, Türkiye remains committed to resolving these disputes through peaceful negotiations. However, this commitment should not be mistaken for weakness. Türkiye will continue to assert its legitimate rights vigorously and will not acquiesce to Greece’s and the Greek Cypriot administration’s maximalist and legally unfounded claims.

The Eastern Mediterranean's resources must be shared equitably, and any settlement must recognize the legitimate rights of all parties, including the Turkish Cypriots. The international community must acknowledge Türkiye's legal and historical rights and support a fair resolution that ensures regional stability and justice for all involved.

TCE Conclusion

In summary, Türkiye's stance on the Eastern Mediterranean and Aegean disputes is firmly rooted in international law and historical rights. The recent Greek media narratives fail to provide a balanced view, ignoring critical aspects of Türkiye’s legal claims and the rights of Turkish Cypriots. It is high time the international community acknowledges these truths and supports a fair and just resolution to these long-standing disputes.