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Türkiye's Bid to Join BRICS

Türkiye's Bid to Join BRICS

In a significant geopolitical development, Türkiye is poised to submit an application to join the BRICS nations, a bloc comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

This move is part of a broader expansion strategy by BRICS, which has recently extended invitations to other nations, including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Ethiopia, to join the group from January 2024. Türkiye’s interest in BRICS membership aligns with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's long-term vision of diversifying Türkiye’s economic alliances and reducing reliance on Western institutions.

The president of the BRICS International Forum, Purnima Anand, confirmed that Türkiye, along with Saudi Arabia and Egypt, is preparing to apply for membership. This application is expected to be discussed in upcoming BRICS summits, potentially paving the way for Türkiye’s formal entry into the bloc.

Strategic Implications for Türkiye

Türkiye's potential BRICS membership reflects its strategic pivot towards non-Western alliances. According to Yaşar Yakış, a former Turkish foreign minister, joining BRICS could offer Türkiye a platform to mitigate economic pressures from Western sanctions, particularly those related to its relationships with countries like Iran and Russia. Yakış noted that BRICS membership could provide Türkiye with a buffer against unilateral economic sanctions, enhancing its economic sovereignty.

The integration of Türkiye into BRICS would mark the first inclusion of a NATO member into the bloc, creating a unique geopolitical dynamic. Türkiye’s geographical and economic position makes it an attractive candidate for BRICS, aligning more closely with the socio-political structures of BRICS countries than with Western economies.

Impact on Türkiye's EU Membership Aspirations

Türkiye’s bid to join BRICS raises questions about its long-standing, yet stalled, ambitions to join the European Union. For decades, Türkiye has pursued EU membership, a goal fraught with numerous political, economic, and human rights challenges. The shift towards BRICS can be seen as a response to the perceived sidelining by the EU and the US. As Yakış highlighted, Türkiye’s relationship with the West has been strained, leading to a search for alternative alliances that align more closely with its current economic and political realities.

The potential BRICS membership does not necessarily mean Türkiye will abandon its EU aspirations, but it indicates a diversification of its foreign policy. Engaging with BRICS could provide Türkiye with economic and political leverage in its negotiations with the EU. Moreover, BRICS membership might offer Türkiye economic benefits that EU membership currently does not, such as greater influence in global economic policies and access to new markets.

Benefits for the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

Türkiye's potential entry into BRICS could also have significant implications for the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). As Türkiye strengthens its economic and political ties through BRICS, the TRNC could benefit from increased investment and economic support. The TRNC, which relies heavily on Türkiye for economic and diplomatic backing, could see enhanced opportunities for trade and development through BRICS-associated initiatives and investments.

Moreover, Türkiye's strengthened international standing through BRICS membership could provide the TRNC with greater diplomatic leverage. Enhanced economic stability in Türkiye would likely translate to more robust support for the TRNC, aiding in its economic development and international recognition efforts.

Broader Geopolitical Context

The expansion of BRICS, including Türkiye’s possible entry, is viewed as a significant development in the global geopolitical landscape. BRICS aims to offer an alternative to Western-dominated economic institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. The bloc’s expansion is seen as a move to enhance the representation of the Global South in international economic governance, challenging the hegemony of Western financial systems.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has emphasized the importance of BRICS expansion for the representation and development of emerging economies. The inclusion of countries like Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and potentially Türkiye, brings substantial financial resources and geopolitical clout to the bloc, furthering its aim to redefine global trade dynamics and investment flows.

Our Conclusion

Türkiye's application to join BRICS signifies a strategic shift in its foreign policy, aimed at diversifying its economic partnerships and reducing dependence on Western institutions. While this move may complicate its EU membership aspirations, it provides Türkiye with new avenues for economic and political engagement on the global stage. The outcome of Türkiye’s BRICS membership bid and its implications for its relationship with the EU will be closely watched by international observers, as it could herald a new era in global economic alliances and geopolitical strategies.

For the TRNC, Türkiye's strengthened position through BRICS could bring enhanced economic support and diplomatic leverage, fostering development and international recognition efforts. As Türkiye navigates its potential BRICS membership, its strategic choices will have far-reaching implications for both its regional influence and global diplomatic standing.