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President Ersin Tatar on GB News: Condemning Greek Cypriot Racism and Ultra-Nationalism

In a compelling appearance on GB News, President Ersin Tatar of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) addressed critical issues concerning Cyprus's future, highlighting the pervasive racism and ultra-nationalism of the Greek Cypriot side.

Kosovo Team Walks Off After Controversial Banners in Cyprus Match

In a shocking incident during the UEFA Nations League match between Cyprus and Kosovo, the world witnessed how deep-seated racism and ultra-nationalism continue to plague international sports.

U.S.-Greek Cypriot Defense Cooperation: A Move Toward Instability in Cyprus

The recent signing of a defense cooperation roadmap between the United States and the Greek Cypriot administration has raised significant concerns in the Eastern Mediterranean, especially from the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and Türkiye.

The Forgotten Casualties: Piyade Er Allahverdi Kılıç & Piyade Er Burhan Cihangir

1996: a year marked by bloodshed on the divided island of Cyprus. Two Turkish soldiers, both in the prime of their youth, found themselves in the line of fire. Piyade Er (Infantry Private) Allahverdi Kılıç was shot twelve times and killed by Greek Cypriot gunmen while fulfilling his duty in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), paying the ultimate price for his service. Another soldier, Piyade Er Burhan Cihangir, was shot four times and, by sheer fortune or fate, lived to tell the tale.